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Spinal Surgery

Queensland's Top-Rated Scoliosis Treatment Clinic for Spinal Rehab for Scoliosis

Surgery for scoliosis & kyphosis

Scoliosis surgery is a procedure carried out to correct severe scoliosis curves that can’t be managed by non-surgical treatments like bracing or physiotherapy. Scoliosis surgery is generally recommended when the spinal curve is severe and likely to progress or is causing significant physical discomfort or functional impairment.


Each case of scoliosis is unique. Therefore, the decision for surgery is individualised, taking into account factors like the patient's age, curve progression, curve type, and overall health.


Our team work in collaboration with leading orthopaedic surgeons who specialise in adult and paediatric scoliosis, kyphosis and other spinal conditions and will recommend surgical referral where appropriate. 


​Rehabilitation requires close collaboration with the surgeon to ensure treatment is provided following their guidelines - hence, exercises are carefully modified to the type of surgery, levels fused, presence of curvatures above/ below the fusion, remaining asymmetries of shoulders/ hips and ribcage and pain/ symptoms. 



If you know you are getting surgery, it is a perfect time to begin scoliosis specific physiotherapy! Schroth exercises can improve flexibility, breathing function and back muscle endurance to better prepare you for spinal surgery.

Post rehab

Each person’s rehabilitation journey after scoliosis surgery will vary, depending on the age when surgery was done, the type of surgery, what segments were fused and if there are remaining curves. 



Whether your surgery was 1 month ago or 10 years ago, QLD Scoliosis and Spine Clinics physiotherapists can create an individualised exercise program to assist with your particular needs and goals. Typically, we like to see see you as early as possible after surgery to provide appropriate movement recommendations and help with:

  • Pain management: there will be temporary postoperative pain and discomfort. Physiotherapy techniques such as manual therapy, massage and gentle exercises can alleviate pain 

  • Improving respiratory function: your respiratory function will be reduced after scoliosis surgery. We utilise breathing exercises, chest physiotherapy, and postural techniques to optimise respiratory function and help patients breathe more efficiently.

  • Restoring mobility and strength: after surgery, the spine may feel stiff and restricted, and the surgery will alter the biomechanics of the spine. A personalised exercise program will restore movement and ensure all segments above and below the fusion stay healthy. The exercises will focus on safely strengthening the muscles that provide stability and support to the spine. 

  • Addressing remaining curves and muscle imbalances: Schroth exercises can improve the appearance of the back and trunk after surgery. Often just the primary or structural curves are fused surgically and the secondary or compensatory curves are left unfused in the hope that they will reduce gradually themselves as some do. In some instances they do not however and improving the alignment of these curves and the associated aesthetics is a goal of the scoliosis specific exercises.


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Wondering who you should consult for scoliosis surgery? Our team work closely with scoliosis specialists and can recommend the best person for you to see!


How long is the recovery after getting scoliosis surgery?

This depends on the age of the patient and levels fused. Full recovery can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months. It is important to get started with physiotherapy rehab as early as 4-6 weeks post op.

Do I need scoliosis surgery?

Scoliosis surgery is generally recommended when:

  • The spinal curve is severe (usually over 45-50 degrees) and likely to progress.

  • The curve is causing significant physical discomfort or functional impairment.

  • The curve is leading to issues with the heart or lungs, impacting overall health and wellbeing.

Each case of scoliosis is unique. Therefore, the decision for surgery is individualised, taking into account factors like the patient's age, curve progression, curve type, and overall health.

Do I need a referral to see scoliosis surgeon?

Yes you need a referral from your GP. QLD Scoliosis Clinic physiotherapists cannot refer you to see a scoliosis surgeon. 

Can I come in for therapy even though my surgery was over 10 years ago?

Absolutely! We see patients at any point of their post surgical journey and address your goals and concerns. 


Shop 4/43-49 Butterfield Street, Herston, QLD, AUST


Gold Coast​

Level 1/103-113 Nerang Street, Southport, QLD,AUST, 4215

Sunshine Coast

Shop 1/98 Burnett Street,

Buderim, QLD, AUST,


+614 51 855 366



Trading as QLD Scoliosis and Spine Clinics 

ABN: 48 650 385 005​​

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